Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Sweet Dreams

A customer ordered these two personalised lamps which I made today. They make a really sweet pair. They would look great in a children's room on opposite ends of a shelf or something. They would make nice night lights if used on a dimmable plug. I am currently working on a page for my website making it easy to order the personalised lamps. At the moment they are not on my website at all. How silly is that! Won't be long though!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Cherry Blossom

Someone on Etsy asked me if I could do a Cherry Blossom lamp for her new babies bedroom. I do a much simplified blossom design which was one of my first designs. Back in the day, before I had a laser cutting man i had to keep my designs very simple in order to be able to reproduce them. Nowadays I can put in much more detail and not hurt myself whilst doing it! Hooray! I'm really pleased with this design today!

This afternoon I've been doing a mock up of my new exhibition stand in time for the Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair. I wanted to do something different this year as my stand has been pretty much the same for years and I'm a bit bored of it to be honest! I'm going to have dark brown cupboard tops with cut out letters for the descriptions and prices and stuff. I have been dreading pulling it all together but after choosing this lovely paint colour and seeing how well the letters stand out I'm REALLY excited. Sometimes it's a bit painful while a new idea is in it's incubation period! There's four weeks to go until the show. Who's coming to visit?

Front Page Success!

I have been selling my lamps on the wonderful Etsy for nearly two years but I have never made a treasury. For those who are not familiar with the site, go and have a look, you'll love it. It's a worldwide platform for buying and selling handmade goods. It's a wonderful online community and there are lots of clever ways of sharing and promoting work. One way is a 'treasury'. As an Etsy member you can curate a collection of Etsy products that you love and that fit your chosen theme. If you're really lucky this collection can end up on the front page and get viewed by thousands of people across the world. The other night I made a couple of treasuries for the first time and I really got into it. You get to scour the site whilst searching for beautiful products and images and discover some real gems along the way. I don't know if you read, but last week in Hastings we made my friend Wendy Jung an Etsy site and thought that 'urchin' would be a good search term for her nightlights. This inspired me to search the site for other urchin type things....and away we went. A treasury was born.

It was wonderfully satisfying so I couldn't stop there. You see that lovely bird print at the top of this picture. Well I bought this last week. These cute little guys are now looking lovely in my living room....I also bought the hedgerow earrings that i blogged about and thought I'd use hedgerow as a theme. What do you find there? Hedgehogs, flowers, mice, spiders in their webs....I found so many lovely things by lots of clever, clever creative people out there!

To top it off, BOTH of my treasuries made the front page of Etsy last night and I was so very happy to discover this thismorning! I will certainly be making more!

If you want to look closer at any of these things you can see them here.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Hedgerow Earrings

I just bought some of Joanna Rutters Hedgerow earrings. The earrings came on a lasercut cloud in a little blue box tied in red and white string...oooh what a treat!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

This years trip to Hastings

I have just a had a few days away visiting my lovely friends Wendy and Chris in their gorgeous house in Hastings. (Have look at the post of our last visit cos there are lots of's so lovely). Wendy has a brilliant eye for 'old stuff' - vintage, antiques and junk and her house is full of beautiful collections of things! Hastings is the perfect place for this as it is FULL of antique yards and shops in which to rummage! She has rummaged well and her house is very inspiring!

So we had to go for a good look around the shops. This was an amazing one - a mixture of old and new set in an old hardware shop. The owner has kept the original fixtures and fittings and has set beautiful products in amongst all the old drawers, shelves and nooks and crannies. It's a really unique and exciting space.

The weather was pretty bleak mostly. We lasted about 5 minutes on the beach. Hard to imagine that this time last year, only a few weeks before we were swimming in that sea. brrrrrrrrr.

It was lovely to stay all tucked up in the house with the wind howling just drinking tea and catching up! We built Wendy an Esty shop. I have been nudging her to do it for ages and now she has. It's really pretty. Here are some of her decorations...

I took some work to a brand new and very lovely gallery called Cuckoo Cuckoo Contemporary Crafts. It's a tiny space but has lots of beautiful work- ceramics, textiles, paintings, prints....and now some lamps too which suit the space quite nicely! It was nice to meet Sarah-Jane Whittaker who runs the gallery with her husband Paul. She's a jeweller who has a jewellery school in Eastbourne. They have been running artists open houses for years and were inspired to open a gallery. Good idea. It's lovely!

I did a little photoshoot in Wendys house too, inspired to use some of their lovely things as props. There were some nice ones but they are all a little bit dark. I'm still working on them though.

Thanks Wendy. Nice to know we can fit quite alot in a couple of days. I had a lovely time!xxx

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Snowdrops in the spotlight

I was flicking through this old notebook today and found these doodles of my snowdrop lamp design, which was funny as I'd just been photographing it for the new website. The snowdrops and paperwhites made it onto lamps but the crocuses haven't yet...maybe they will be to come...

The lovely little ceramic bird in the photo is by Shan Valla.

I also found some sketches of the Radiance website plans too before it was built. You can see them here.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


I now have my work on Decogalerie, a French website for selling the work of artists and designers. My biog sounds so beautiful in French....

Hannah Nunn, créatrice britannique, travaille exclusivement le papier. Elle le découpe pour en faire une collection originale de luminaires poétiques, inspirées par la nature et le monde botanique. Hannah conçoit et fabrique ses lampes dans son petit atelier de Hebden Bridge, en Angleterre. Lampes de table, de sol, applique ou encore suspension, tous les luminaires de Hannah Nunn ont un point commun : la délicatesse des dessins et la douceur de leur lumière.

...picture of me in my petit atelier de Hebden Bridge!

Monday, 6 September 2010

Busy Day (off?)

I'm working on my new website at the moment. Just chipping away when I get the time. I'd like to get it launched by the time I do GNCCF. Today found I had some images missing so I went to the workshop, made the lamps and photographed all of them. I'm quite pleased with myself. It's been a very focused day. My eyes are tired but I'm still a bit excited so can't quite switch the computer off yet! Monday is usually my day off but you couldn't stop me from working today.

I never have had a photo of my small oval Daisy lamp. At last!

I have been invited to sell my work on Decogalerie. It's a web shop for designers and artists based in France.' Une sélection de créations d'artistes, artisans d'art, designers en pièce unique et série limitée'. A whole new country! They will translate my product listings for me. so it's great. They asked for a shot of my studio so I took this one today. Now I am going to upload it. Bye bye...

Friday, 3 September 2010

Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair 2010

Next month I'll be exhibiting at the Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair in Manchester. Looking forward to it....lots more planning and making to do before though. Today they launched their new website. There's an amazing kaleidoscope all made up of exhibitors work on the front page. It spins round and everything! It's stunning. Go and have a quick look!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Busy in the workshop

Sorry I've been quiet. I'm still here working away. Had a rush of September wedding fairy lights to make and struggling to find the right paper for them. Last year the mill that makes my lamp paper went bust (after about 300 years of being in sad) but as it was a good seller my paper merchant made their own version of it which was the teensy weensiest bit thicker. This is fine for my lamps but has been causing problems with my fairy lights. The little bit of exra thickness has put extra pressure on the cylinders. I tried using thinner paper which I thought was ok but have now decided has less of an impact and doesn't show up the letters and patterns quite as well. Right now I am using all the last remaining sheets of my old paper (only 12 A2 sheets left) until I figure out a good fix....theres always something sent to try us!

This stack of boxes here are full of lamps going off to a good stockist of mine. Rural Living in Haselmere, Surrey.