Sunday, 31 July 2011

Minnie's Agapanthus

We had a lovely student called Minnie from Leeds Uni doing a couple of days work placement with us this week and she bought me a lovely bunch of flowers to say thank you for having her! In the bouquet (which she chose very well, thinking they were very 'me') were some Agapanthus which I love.

I've thought I'd do some drawings to study them a bit.
Such great colours in the flower heads.
Shall I do an Agapantha lamp?

Friday, 22 July 2011


The hills really are alive with grasses at the moment and glad I got out to see them all today. Such beautiful delicate forms.I feel inspired to make a wall panel of grasses. Shame I can't today as we have a lot to do in the shop. Good to store these images up for later though. It's been an intense time of work lately getting the new Radiance website ready so this week it's been nice to take a bit of time to unwind. Nice walks, yoga, swimming, meeting up with friends. Lovely.

Anyone know what all these different grasses are called? I might try and find out....

Friday, 15 July 2011

The new Radiance website is LIVE!

I have been so excited for weeks and weeks and working like a crazed obsessed thing to get the new Radiance website ready for it's launch. Most other things have had to go out of the window, well actually no I haven't completely abandoned my responsibilities, other things just paled into insignificance while all my interest was with the new site. I ache all over and my eyes are SQUARE but it has been so worth the work because it's beautiful and I love it!

I am very lucky that my lovely boyfriend Robert is very talented developer and we have been working closely on it for months thinking carefully about what we wanted the site to be about. We wanted to create a simple site led by warm and beautiful images that really reflects the spirit of the shop. He worked hard to make that happen creating the clever zoom facility (I love this bit), the simple layout, the brilliant search facility, (I still get excited about searching for 'red' or 'green' and seeing everything pop up in front of me! ) the fast loading times and much much more that I couldn't even begin to explain! It has made me realise what a true craftsman he is.

Today we went LIVE and today feels good. As Robert says this is just the beginning. The site is will constantly change and develop and there will always be things we need to add ( i can think of loads right now actually) but we just had to get it to a good jumping off point and get it out into the world.

So I invite you to have a look and a play and I hope you like it as much as we do!

Friday, 1 July 2011

Sale this way!

The sale is in full swing. Yesterday we made sale bunting and it looks very cute! I've had two lovely girls on work experience placements here to help this week so there have been many pairs of hands to get things ready. I hope you can make it over this weekend. There are LOTS of seconds to clear!