Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Radiance is TEN!

Radiance is ten years old this week!

So much has happened since I did this first dreamy drawing in my sketchbook back in 2005. It was super scary opening a shop. I had no idea how to do it. But as my friend said the night before I was due to open, 'Just do it in your own way' and that was just what I did and it has worked out fine.

I hoped we would make it to ten years old. It seemed SO far off in the future but the years have flown by and have been full of adventure, lovely people and beautiful things. So much light and love!

Will you come and celebrate with us on Saturday the 19th of September?  We will open some fizz at about 2pm and have a jolly time together. There will be 10% off everything on the day and a prize draw to win one of my lamps.

I've been digging around in the archives today and found some photo's of the day I opened. 

Radiance used to be at number 58. Where Snug is now, before Hat Therapy had even opened!

Hannah the shopkeeper.

 Me and Ffion. She must have been eleven.

How sparse it was in the beginning.

Lots of people came. 

And people actually bought stuff! ;)

 I always remember the first thing I sold. It was one of my lamps with a very simple grass design. Nothing like the intricate designs I'm doing now. This pre-dates laser cutting!

Bernard my landlord who lived upstairs cooked pizzas with the kids. Little Ffion and Becky!

My friends daughter used to sit with me on a Saturday afternoon when they came to stay. Mia is sixteen now!

I was soooo happy that day. I sold some lights, people loved what they saw and were very complimentary and I discovered that using the credit card machine was not as terrifying as I thought!  I was just so proud of myself for having opened my shop! For having turned that sketchbook dream into a reality.

Ten years on and business has blossomed in so many ways. Hopefully soon Radiance will have a new owner and it will continue to shine for another decade at least!