Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Paper Meadow Chair

Since creating my fabric I have had a few vintage chairs re-upholstered in it but recently I have found a guy who can actually make the chairs from scratch. I find that soooo super clever!

The first one is made from Paper Meadow fabric in blush and Sarah Mason took some really lovely photo's of it last week.

From the front,

from the back

and from the sides :)

I'm just straightening out my prices but will be offering these for sale in any of my fabrics on my website very soon!

Friday, 21 April 2017

Happy Birthday Charlotte

I had fun last night at The Bronte Parsonage Museum doing the 'Meet the Maker' night.

It was good to see all my Charlotte's Garden products displayed in the shop for the first time and it's great to hear that they are selling well.

I met some lovely people and a cute dog called George.

Charlotte kept an eye on things. She had a keen eye for nature (have you seen her flower paintings?) and I'm sure she would appreciate my designs!

Today it is her 201st birthday!

It felt fitting to sign off the proofs of my new wallpaper design on the eve of Charlotte's birthday...and even more fitting to sign them with a green feather quill!

Happy Birthday Charlotte x

Friday, 14 April 2017

High House Wallpaper India Collection

When I gave a talk to the MA Creative Futures students at Stafford Uni recently I met a couple of enthusiastic students who were working on the High House Wallpaper India Collection crowd funding campaign. High House Wallpaper is supporting designers from Uni to real world industry and want to give young designers the opportunity to see their designs come to fruition. 

This India collection brief was shared through design schools in Stafford and India and Mallika Gupta and Joanna Mathias were the winners with their two beautiful patterns.  The way that they sit together is purely coincidental which is rather cool.

Anyway their designs are being prepared for production and now they need to raise the funds....

Checkout their crowdfunding campaign on Indigogo and support them if you can :)