Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Bernards Spectacular Puddings

Ever now and then Bernard (my friend, neighbour and shop landlord) brings me one of his wonderful desserts to sample. He has been catering for a special event over the weekend and you can just tell he's enjoyed himself can't you. Such pride in his puddings! Today he brought me one of the ones with the cherries on top! Lucky me. It was delicious!...i like the look of his little orange jellies too.

It was a welcome break from me being squeezed in my currently chaotic workshop endlessly wrapping parcels...which I think I have actually done all day! I don't mind -I'm not complaining. Every order I recieve with thankfulness...could just do with a bit more space for sorting them all packed up!


  1. whoahh momma! lemon cheesecakey thing for me! reckon i could manage at least half... or tad ambitious???

  2. I have a very nice landlord at the studio, but sadly, he doesn't make cakes! Wow, yum yum lucky you!
