Saturday, 26 June 2010

...and the winner is....

Well we couldn't find a hat to put all the names in but we used a foxy mug from the shop instead! Ffion picked out the name and the winner is Sophie Henzell from Lightbulb design.! Allium lamp coming your way Sophie!

Thanks so much everyone for your lovely lovely comments. Cow Parsley was a clear winner, followed closely by Allium and Dandelion Clocks. Allium has been top fave for so long that's it's nice that there is a new top favourite!x


  1. Couldn't find a hat indeed I could just help for your next giveaway/!!
    Lucky winner. Congrats

  2. Sophie Henzell26 June 2010 at 15:55

    Thanks so much - I am delighted! I love your work and can't quite believe my luck. You've made my day!

  3. Congrats Sophie. Wish it'd been me:)
