Monday, 20 June 2011

Loula Belle

I LOVE this photo so much. This is my daughter and her friends modelling for Loula Belle at home in the launderette (yes they did get a few funny looks). Leonie Stephenson makes these gorgeous vintage style pinnies in the most pretty fabrics. I saw Leonies work for the first time the other evening when Fiona had a brilliant fashion party at her house. They are beautifully made and would turn baking into the most stylish affair! Leonie gave me her business card with this image on when I saw her but seeing it over on on 7071 design blog
just now made me want to put it on my blog too!!!

Loula Belle keeps a lovely blog with lots of recipe ideas (she made a gorgeous lemon drizzle the other night) and this is her shop.


  1. This photo is adorable! I'm totally smitten and definitely can't wait to check out those super cute aprons (and go bake something delicious now!)

  2. I love it too Hannah. It is my favourite image. It's perfect. The girls did us proud, as I am sure Ffion does you all the time.BW :-)
