Saturday, 17 March 2012

A problem shared....

When I started the Hello Soul Hello Business e-course in January it was advised that if we have more that one business it would be best to choose just one to concentrate on for the duration of the course.  As Radiance has had all the attention lately with it's sparkly new website and it's continued growth I decided to concentrate on 'Hannah Nunn' the artist.

'At LAST' said Hannah Nunn, 'I have FINALLY got your attention! You have done so well with Radiance,' she said 'but to tell you the absolute truth I am FRUSTRATED. Radiance demands so much of your attention, Radiance takes up so much space, it makes SO much mess on my desk when it wraps it's parcels and receives new stock. I haven't got the head space to concentrate on all the beautiful new work and projects that I keep dreaming up. I have loads of ideas and things I'd like to make but it's so itty bitty. I can't get into the flow of creating that I so love because it is really distracting me'.

Oh heck! And Radiance and Hannah Nunn continued to bicker over space and time management for the next few weeks until they completely fell out! :(

Meanwhile Hannah Nunn dreamed of having a beautiful spacious light and airy studio space (cue Pinterest Business Dreamboard)

and Radiance could spread out without being moaned at and Hannah could go and spread her wings somewhere else. Now obviously this means more money, more staffing, a conundrum for Mathew (does he work for HN or is he Radiance) and more complication but it is all do-able. We know from experience that you have to take risks in business in order to grow. She checked out fears and assessed risks to make sure is wasn't those gremlins holding her back but something still wasn't sitting right.

Now everyone knows it's not a good feeling to fall out with something that you have been completely in love with for a long time. Very uncomfortable indeed. Something needed to change and I have been trying out so many different scenarios in my mind to try and bring them back together again whilst acknowledging the needs of both. As we were about to move into the house upstairs it seemed crazy to move my studio out. I liked the thought of having everything in one building. I liked the thought of sneaking down to my quiet studio at night....

One sleepless night I was scribbling furiously in my journal at 2am. If I could take everything out of my work premises, the shop and the studio and just have a blank canvas again what would I do? I looked back at the photos of when it was empty before I moved in. ..ohhhh how nice....

And I reflected on my amazing situation. I mean hows this for a story? I live in a beautiful Victorian four story building in a stunning nature rich valley that fills me with inspiration for my work. The bottom floor of my house happens to have been converted into a gorgeous shop space with original windows and a lovely fireplace and has a back room with flagged floors, sash windows and a wood burning stove. This shop happens to be on Hebden Bridge's Market Street famous for it's quirky independent shops and artistic nature that has people flocking in from miles around. The shop space is in the front room and in the backroom I have a beautiful studio where I make my lamps and sell them in the shop. Alongside my own work I have a collection of other artist made lighting to complement mine. It's perfect. If that was someone else's life I'd want it! There HAD to be a way to make it work!

Anyway, we moved into our new house but I was still struggling. How could I create a peaceful studio space for myself in a small chaotic space? How could I claw back some time for Hannah the artist?

Well yesterday after much ear bashing of friends a family (thankyou) I found a way and the the solution involved a few things, some of which I had already and some I need to acquire. A garden shed ( will fit perfectly in the yard and can store a lot), some magazine files, (to neaten a wealth of things) a new desk top (with our Ikea delivery) and some noise reducing headphones (can anyone recommend any good ones?), but mostly it has been the love of some GOOD GOOD people. While I was out on Wednesday, Matthew, in an attempt to cheer me up, cleared out the crazy alcove which was so stuffed with cardboard boxes that I couldn't reach my books or files or so much even look in that direction. It was a simple kindly act that changed everything. I suddenly could envisage a desk in there. A quiet private corner all to myself unseen from the shop. 

Ta-dah! Robert fixed me up a desk top, my computer came down from upstairs so that I have everything i use for work in one place (at last). Now I have a desk for designing on the computer and a desk for cutting and making.

We had a massive clear out and thought about how we could make the most of what we had. These lovely old clipboards are a good way to organise lots of different projects and ideas.

and these shelves that have been hanging around doing nothing made excellent bulb and tape storage (oh my Dad is going to be so pleased with that). 

I feel one hundred billion zillion times better and couldn't wait to get to work again this morning. THAT's more like it. Hannah Nunn and Radiance reunited and falling in love again! In hindsight it looks a bit like I had a BIG paddy just to get a new desk. Hahaha! Really it has been a long intricate process of untangling, shining a light on many matters, making the absolute most of what I've got and getting things straight on many levels. Just some time management issues to refine, but funnily enough that's what Hello Soul Hello Business has been about this week!

NOW it's really time for some work!!!


  1. que hermosa atmosfera tiene tu lugar... me hace soƱar!

  2. I so agree with you that often physical spaces and mental/creative spaces in the mind are linked. Your work space looks fab and very organised and funnily enough as I write this my kind hubby is putting up shelves rather like yours above my workbench - another local mum is a carpenter and uses reclaimed floorboards which ticks all my boxes. Can't wait to bring a bit of order to my space!

    Had a great couple of hours today, carving cowparsley and meadow grass shapes into wax sheets for casting into silver, so nice knowing there are others as bonkers as me for these meadowy things!!

  3. So glad you found a solution. Space for creative growth at last- go girl! Maybe I need a new desk too...

  4. Your space looks gorgeous! This was a very entertaining post Hanna, I love your conversation with you a lot! Love your work! Someday I could visit your store..That would be awesome because I would love to have one of your lamps. I have a few original lamps in ceramic. I don't make them often but at least I have them in my house. I have always loved functional art. Thanks for making happier spaces with your lamps. Are they available online..or I have to wait until I get to visit your store?

  5. These things totally really matter. Well done. Carving out actual space, and sorting your head space. Both crucial. Wel bloody done. Xxx

  6. fab post thanks Hannah I was planning a big workspace turn around tomorrow, which I've been putting off for to long now I know it's def the right thing to do. Love the bus pinterest board too, I need one x

  7. A very entertaining post - you write beautifully!

    You're so right that a designated workspace is everything.. i have a little cubby hole but its MY little cubby hole!

  8. A really inspiring post Hannah. We can all relate to how you feel! I've got a long way to go to streamline how I operate but i'd say I'm getting there. The interior of my summer house is now painted and I moved an old plans chest out there. It's beginning to feel like the haven it should be! Office in the house to tackle next.Your spaces look beautiful and efficient - quite a feat in my eyes!

  9. I am so glad that you have sorted it all out - remember moving house is very stressful so part of your feelings are to do with that - all will be well - Spring is here! - looking forward to visiting you soon as we just love Hebden Bridge

  10. Thanks everyone for your kind comments. It sounds like our studio spaces (albeit our sheds or a cubby holes ) are so so important for us all doesn't it. We all need a place to call our own where we can go and create. I have hadsuch a happy and productive week since sorting all of this out. It was sooooo worth it! xxx

  11. This is a great post Hannah. You have created both a beautiful work and a happy living space surrounded by lovely inspiring things. Just to know you can tiptoe down the stairs to create and tinker whenever you like.

    Bring on the next chapter of HN. And for HN & the Nunnettes also! xx

  12. A totally inspiring post Hannah! It's amazing how a clear out can change your way of thinking. My studio goes in great waves of messy-ness and tidy-ness and at it's worst it really drives me crazy (that's right now!). So reading this makes me feel better to tackle it once again and get that good feeling back.

  13. Hey there, If you like building sheds like me, here's a great link for you to download shed plans:

