Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design

Today I have embarked on a new journey. An e-course called The Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design. The Hello Soul Hello Business e-course has just about finished (have I become an e-course junkie?) and one of the many things that came up during the dreaming phase of the course was the idea to turn my motifs into surface pattern designs. Perhaps I could make wallpaper, fabric, curtains and cushions...I've often dreamed of this, but haven't actually had a clue how to do it OR just found the focus to find out. I'm so lucky to know the lovely Rachel Taylor, who I shared a lodge with at the Do What You Love Retreat last year, (honestly, so many doors opened on that retreat) and Beth Nicholls who organised the whole fantastic event and they have come together to design this course to give people the tools and skills to become surface pattern designers. YES!

Our first assignment was to go out and photograph a chosen shape so I took a walk down the canal. It's amazing how many circles there are when you start looking! I enjoyed feeling like a student again and doing something out of my norm. I'm looking forward to seeing what unfolds.


  1. Hi, just found this blog and looked because my name (by marriage) is also Nunn. My husband was born in Sheffield. Now in Australia.

    Love your lamps.

    Now I am going to look at your previous posts.

  2. Hi Hannah,

    I found you because I'm in the class too. I like your series of circles! Isn't amazing how quickly you start to see the patterns now?!

    I love your lamps! So very pretty...
