Thursday, 12 April 2012

Oh Japanese Screw Punch, where have you been all my life?

I have just bought the best tool EVER. How many years have I been trying to make holes in paper but have been limited by the jaw of my hole punch? ...well at least ten I can tell you. Everything changed when discovered this marvellous tool on my bookbinding course last week. Rachel and Wendy both had one and I just couldn't believe my little eyes when I saw it. This Japanese screw punch has a clever mechanism which simply drills a hole down into paper, card or even leather and it has interchangeable nibs too for different sized holes. And look at the packaging. How utterly cute is he! 

It is beautiful and effortless to use. So much easier than poking holes with an empty rotaring pencil, like I have been doing for years and years (see all those white dots on the cutting mat there? They are the holes I've left behind).

I got mine at Hewitt and Sons bookbinding and leather supplies. Pricey but worth every penny. The screw punch also a Japanese website where I read that they were invented in 1977! When I was just FIVE. All these years and I haven't even heard of one. Makes me wonder what other tools I've been missing out on. If anyone knows anything that I should know do tell!


  1. Oh Hannah, i'm so happy for you that you found this! It looks like a nifty little tool, to say the least. And yes, fabulous packaging! (is that a martini I see?!?) :-) Your work is always so beautiful, regardless of the tools you use. But now it'll be so much easier for you, so even better. Love your posts... xoxo

  2. So glad you've found this perfect tool. I felt the very same way when I was introduced to a Japanese quilling tool. Life-changing sounds overly dramatic, but it was so drastically different than other tools I'd used! Haven't looked back since.

  3. How wonderful for you to have found this Hannah! and thanks for sharing the information too.. x

  4. Oh the utter bliss of a Japanese Screw Punch of your very own! I loved the shriek of delight when you first saw it and I love the fact that you are still shrieking with delight, albeit in text.

  5. Hurray for Japanese screw puches!! I love mine and always take it to workshops etc to share the love, kds especially love it I find, its magical isn't it :)

    Happy days! xxx

  6. So glad i found this blog. I purchased a cheap knockoff from ebay and it was so disappointing. The Nonaka screw punch is a bit pricey, but seems like it won't disappoint based on this review.

  7. Oh no how disappointing. This one is good and has stood the test of time too :)

  8. Hello Hannah
    Looked on Amazon and there is a Estone screw punch for £8.35 with 6 tips, would you know if this a good one or not?? Many thanks

  9. Lovely post.
    I believe you know that sellers on Aliexpress and on Amazon are using your image as an advertising.



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