Thursday, 1 November 2012

Meeting up with the Starry Blue Sky

We were here this morning standing on this jetty in South Queensferry on the outskirts of Edinburgh looking over the water to the majestic Fourth Bridge. We broke up our long (492 mile) journey home from Skye with an overnight stay at Rhiannons house. She has a lovely house that looks out over the water and an enviable studio at the top of her steep garden that looks out right over the top of her house. 

I met Rhiannon (@starrybluesky on Twitter) on The Do What You Love retreat last year and we shared the Summer Isles book binding adventure earlier this year too. It was lovely to visit her world. 

This is one of her polaroid prints available on Etsy and you can see more of her photography on her website. This is her blog where she has just written about her trip to Hello Etsy conference in Eindhoven. I'm off to have a read of that right now...

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