Friday 14 June 2013

In the Giant Meadow

This morning Emma came to put the wallpaper up. 

We attempted this last month but silly me made the paper too short and it wouldn't reach the ceiling! Doh,

Mike at Print Bureau printed this for me. He has some brand new amazing software especially for wallpaper printing and this is a bit of an experiment.

Emma is good and confident with her cuts. 

You should have seen her whiz around those plug sockets and cut into the corners. 

It didn't take long before we had a whole meadow up!

It's great to finally have some up on the wall. 

This is the first of many more to come.


  1. Oh that's just beautiful! It ranks right up there with the most perfect wallpaper ever. :)

  2. Beautiful... love seeing such a large meadow!!

  3. Thanks so much. That makes me very happy indeed :)

  4. Emma doesn't have her phone number on her bum anymore! That made me laugh when I saw your old photos.
    I agree with Jane S :)

  5. I know Jill she wasn't in her overalls that day. You'll be pleased to know she still wears them when she's painting!

    Thanks everyone x
