Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Euan's Sonata

For months Euan's sonata has been the soundtrack to our lives.  He has put it on his Soundcloud so now I can share it with you. 

The household chores take on a different mood with him playing in the background. There has been much waltzing in the living room. You may have even heard it drifting down into Radiance if you've been in while he's been playing.

I'm so proud of my boy.


  1. It is so so beautiful. It's been nice hearing it progressing and now listening to it as one piece. So clever. I like the twirly bits, the light and the shade, and the ending is really emotive. Bravo Euan xx

  2. Oh, that was just lovely! How lucky you are to have been able to listen to it in your own home. He's a very talented young man. :)

  3. Oh, this is exquisite!!! Gosh, he's one talented boy!
