Sunday, 30 July 2017

Too Soon

This year, since I was gifted a ukulele for Christmas (best present EVER) I have had a huge wave of creativity and I have written lots of songs. I wrote a lot of songs in my twenties, not a single one in my thirties (what happened?) but I'm catching up in my forties and I have revived this love I had for songwriting. As a reader of my blog you'll know I like to tell stories through pictures. But I have found an absolute love of telling them through music too. 

The song I want to share is a sad one. Beautiful but sad all the same so be warned. Most people I've played it to so far have had the tears! It's about a baby I lost who would have been 18 years old this June. But it's a song of healing. A song about honoring loss and a song about celebrating what we have despite it and cherishing that.

Even at the time the loss made me appreciate Ffion and Euan so much. They were too young to get it at the time but they get it now and together we went to Wales to the Laugharne estuary where his ashes were scattered to mark this special occasion.

We floated these very special Lightboats on the water on the evening of his birthday and watched them float away, listening to the sounds of the evening estuary birds (crazy gurgling song of nesting egrets to be precise), the mud popping and the clock tower chiming in the distance. It was absolute magic.

Last week I went to Huddersfield Uni where Euan is studying music and we used the recording studios to record it properly. Euan added the beautiful guitar and the piano that goes straight to my heart ever time I hear it. The second verse of the song goes out to him.

I invite you to listen. x


  1. Beautiful, made me cry - we so mourn the dream of what we couldn't have.

  2. Hannah, this is phone is the most captivating, most perfect songs I've ever heard. It left me quite speechless. This is a song I know I'll never forget. What a remarkably talented family you are!

    I really want to hear your other song

    Rebecca (@Soaring_Skylark on Instagram)
