Friday, 1 February 2019

Happy New (business) Year!

Yesterday was a big day of endings. It was the last day of our shop lease, the last day of trading for radiance and the last day of my business year over here in the Hannah Nunn studio. 

So today feels like a new year - a new beginning, the first day of my new business year. A time for reflecting on the past and making plans for the future.  

Moving out of the shop and restoring the premises back to how we found it has been tough emotionally and physically and it feels really good to have finished. Next week I'm having a nice week off for rest and recuperation and then I'll be back to launch into our annual SECONDS SALE!

 The sale will start on my website on Tuesday 12th February at 6pm. There will be many 'seconds' of lamps and candle covers for sale half price and everything else will have a 25% discount. So if you want to buy wallpaper or a chair or something then it would be a good time to do it. The sale will run for a week.

Now that we don't have a shop any more things will be a little different. If you haven't got a stockist nearby and you'd like to see things in the flesh you are welcome to visit me in my studio if you make an appointment first. I think I'll have an open studio day a few times a year too but I'll keep you posted about that.

So, hope to 'see' you in my sale on the 12th of Feb. Until then I will be in the woods or in the Turkish baths or somewhere else just chilling! x

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