Monday, 13 February 2012

Can you imagine my lamps in Japan?

There are so many exciting things happening and so much dreaming about making other new exciting things happen that I'm fit to burst. It's all so good. One of those things is Japan. I have always thought that it would be nice to get my lamps into Japan and recently a couple of opportunities have arisen that could make that dream a possibility. Firstly, 'Do What You Love' Beth, whose favourite city in the world is Kyoto and who speaks fluent Japanese (amongst many of her other talents) is going to live there for a big chunk of this year and she has invited me over and offered to act as a guide. Her email put the hugest grin on my face as she tempted me with gorgeous Japanese accommodation, a trip to a paper making village, a visit to the Geisha district for lighting inspiration and looking at getting my work into Japan. WHAT a generous offer. Kyoto looks SO beautiful and when I discovered the bamboo forests  that was it! Stunning. I cannot wait to stroll around them with my camera. Oh my. Still finalising plans but I hope to go at the end of May.

Back at GNCCF in October I also chatted with a Japanese man whose company acts as an agency to help craftspeople export to Japan. Last week my lamps were in a trade show in Tokyo and they just sent me some photos. It's a little bit of a shame that they didn't switch them on as that always helps...but never the less they had quite a bit of interest and we will see what happens from here. I love seeing my profile in Japanese there! Beth? What does it say???


  1. your lamps are so delicate and beautyfull, of course we do
    La Crapaudine et les lucioles

  2. Wow that is so exciting! I've very jealous as it sounds like my dream trip! If I wasn't popping a baby out this week I would be hatching plans to hide away in your suitcase ;) Can't wait to see your photos!
