Saturday, 11 February 2012

The candle covers are coming BACK!

A couple of years back I made some really sweet little candle shades that sat over a tea light in a clear glass votive. They were really popular BUT I had trouble with them. They were pretty small, just 7cm high and there was a lot of pressure in the cylinder and when they got hot sometimes the laminate would crack. It was so annoying and I lost confidence in them as a product and stopped making them. I was hung up on them being small and didn't think they were as sweet when they were bigger. Well something just happened. The Hello Soul, Hello Business course has been about ideas and innovation this week and my brain has been wildly fired up with possibilities...not about candle covers funnily enough, about lots of other stuff, but it must have just got the synapses firing in the right way because the middle of the week, without any kind of fuss I just made a bigger one and it is perfect. Still sweet but lots more space for hot air to circulate.

So all those lovely people who have asked me for personalised candle covers for the centres of their wedding tables. You're on. Now I can say YES!


  1. ohhh perleeeze, you know I am not going to be able to resist these!!;)) Just perfect. xx

  2. Oh i'm so glad you managed to work it out, I love the one I bought for my mum... might have to add to the collection! :) x
