I've been poorly this week with a nasty chesty cough but staying in the warmth of my house and in my newly decorated living room seems to have done me the world of good creatively. Maybe it's having space to think with no other distractions (lots of laying on the sofa in a blanket with cats and a sketchbook) or maybe it just happened to be the time when lots of ideas that have been floating around have culminated into something new! Whatever it is, I have very much been enjoying being in the creative flow and have had lots of ideas to keep me going for a long time!

First up, Harebells. I stated looking at bluebells with Spring being on the way but then remembered how much I love Harebells and when you really start looking at them you notice how many interesting shapes and features they have. I love the flowers, I love the buds and I love the silhouette the stem makes. The finished laser cut and engraved prototype arrived yesterday and already I have had an order for a wall lamp because someone in the shop spotted it on my desk. That's a good sign! I like the way it looks like the light is shining out of the flowers themselves.

The other day I blogged about my botanical study idea and showed you the Wood Anemone. Well yesterday my lasercut 'wood anemone middle' arrived and it is SO fine. Just like the real thing! So delicate and beautiful. I love it.

I have decided that I am going to make a series of limited edition lamps for my botanical series. Maybe just ten of each design to keep me in the creative flow that I love and keep coming up with new studies. I will number and sign each one. Can't wait to do more.....
The harebells and anemone lamp designs are both lovely. I love the lasercut wood anemone - it's so delicate.
I love to read so many good news at your blog. It is cheering me up and gives me some courage. Thanks for that.
Your new motives are lovely. I like how you cut the outlines of the harebell blossom.
beautiful! really love all of these new creations! : )
Thanks for all your lovely comments everyone. Glad you like the new stuff!
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