I have a New Years Resolution to have a walk on a Friday morning. I used to often have a morning walk before starting work but last year I was always so pushed for time in the morning that I haven't been going and I have been missing it. There are so many beautiful walks, short and long around Hebden Bridge. You can go in any direction you fancy and end up somewhere beautiful and I want to make the most of that again. Fiona came with me today and it was nice to introduce her to some of my familiar territory. There was a light covering of snow and it was very very pretty. Fiona spotted this snowy fern (shame my photo is not in sharp focus).

We walked back along the canal which turned out to be crazy as the tow path was covered in black ice. I fell over. I'm glad Fiona was with me. I was trying to save my camera and she was trying to save me! My camera is ok butI have hurt my hand. My RIGHT hand. Hope it's going to be ok. I have a lot to do today!!!
good for your and your new years resolutions! that's a great one, too.
hope your hand it ok - if you were a pop musician you'd probably have it insured for £1m!
bloody hell lass glad Fiona was with you!
I have to wait for it to get light before I appreciate a walk before work! good for you to keep to you r resolutions xx
So lovely to meet you in the shop the other day...and I will definitely be back to buy lights when our renovated house is at the 'light stage'.
Hope your hand's better now!
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