It's been a good days work in the new shop. I'm amazed how quickly it's coming together actually. The behind the counter paneling has gone up, I have a fully shelved storeroom (WOW that's amazing), the workshop is almost painted and ready to be papered, plugs and switches have been moved and added, walls in the shop have been prepared for painting and I had a deep THINK about what to do with the third alcove that I had been ignoring! What a good team i have! Heres a couple of them. Thats Sean down a hole and Emma painting (wearing her phone number in case you need it!).
Shame about the weather though. We were hoping for a dry day to get some outdoor painting done but it rained and then even snowed. Boooooh. Maybe tomorrow?
Shame about the weather though. We were hoping for a dry day to get some outdoor painting done but it rained and then even snowed. Boooooh. Maybe tomorrow?
was gonna say, is that a fone number on her arse?! thanks for answering that! x
all looks very exciting! thanks for the blog award too ^_^ I will sort out my choices soon : D
...it's a definite: going to be BEAUTIFUL!!!
FYI: word verification: liker
how exciting you'll be up and running in no time!
Wow! The shop is coming on fast, what a great team you've got!
When do you hope to be open for, can't wait to come and visit :)
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