Well I am very happy with my new workshop. I'm enjoying it's spaciousness and the lovely window. Still only one little blackbird coming to my table but I hope there will be more birds when they get the message! That cutting mat is brand new..and doesn't it look it! I'll soon wear it out! I also bought a fantastic ultra slim light box which is actualy underneath the cutting mat. It has saved a space issue. Means I don't have to take up space need my ultra thick heavy one that;s uncomfortable to use. I like it a lot.
Been stressful in the shop the last couple of days as we had to put the (huge and heavy) ceiling boxes up which has been a real headache for all involved. Now they're up I can work out just where i need to place the light fittings. It's exhausting making all these decisions, but as everyone keeps telling me 'it'll be worth it in the end'.

It's the last weekend of Radiance at number 58. I'm closing from Monday 22nd so that we can take it all apart and bring it over and set it all up again. Grand opening will be on the 6th March. I hope you can make it to the party!!
Your desk and workspace looks amazing, im so jealous!! Glad its all going good ^_^
lovely workspace, good luck hope all goes well :)
Progress is being made! you know I would be at the opening in person if I could, I will be there in spirit for sure.
...lOOking real gOOd...!!!
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