I'm so pleased to tell you that my window film is finished and is now for sale!

It was only a eight weeks ago that I shared my first picture on my Instagram and had such a phenomenal response. I have had a lovely time working with the Window Film Company who have been wonderful to work with and I have created ten designs for them.

It's a great product for me and brings my work full circle. My lamp were about simple motifs brought to life by light, then I moved on to wallpaper which was about those same motifs in flowing pattern. But window film brings the two together. Pattern AND illumination together. It suits my work so well.

All ten designs can be found on my website where you can click through to find it for sale exclusively at the Window Film Company.

If you want a browse of all the designs together you can visit my window film board on Pinterest where I have been happily pinning images this afternoon.
I hope you like it.