I have been blogging on this blogger platform since 2008 and it's been quite a journey! This place holds SO many stories for me and has really watched my designs and my business develop and grow.
But for ease and continuity I have moved my blog over to my main website now. You can find it here. I know these days people aren't following blogs quite so much as Instagram and Facebook have so much right there and this last year I stopped blogging so much BUT I want to keep this platform alive so I'm back!
Someone (I can't remember who) use the analogy that social media is like being outside in the street...you never know who you will bump into and anyone can see what you are up to whereas a blog is like inviting someone into your kitchen and putting the kettle on. It's inviting you round to my place. I'll show you my work and tell you a story or two.
I hope you will come and join me there.