Our old piano made it to concert pitch today which we are very happy about and have been celebrating by playing some tunes! We've had the piano for years and it's been reasonably in tune with itself but it has never been in tune with anyone else so it's not very sociable! Robert wanted to buy us all a new (in tune) piano for Christmas and yesterday we went on an adventure up to Chris Brown's (piano tuner and restorer) house up in Barkisland, near Ripponden. That was an adventure -over the snowy moors and down a bendy, icy track. I wish I'd had my camera as the view from his house was spectacular and his two rooms stuffed full of pianos was great fun! We couldn't find a piano that was just right for us though and decided to just ask him to tune ours for now while we waited for a one that we liked to come along. We had been told that ours wouldn't reach concert pitch and that it was way too risky but Chris had a go and after two and a half hours or plonking and tweaking he made it without snapping any strings!