I fell in love with a big hand blown glass jar in the Willow Garden (Hebden Bridges lovely florists) yesterday and knew immediately that it would look amazing planted up as a terrarium. I went online to find instructions which was easy as they seem to be quite in vogue at the moment. Isn't it funny how influenced we can be without even realising it! During this search i fell upon one of Gennines images which I favourited on Etsy ages ago. Her illustrations are lovely and her blog is truly inspirational. See how i have been influenced by her pictures. It's the same shaped jar and everything!

Anyway i love my terrarium (all day long I've been saying terranium, don't know where i got that from). I love the layers of pebbles, moss and compost and all the fresh green plants seem magnified in the glass. It is a miniature world....I want to make another now!
Thanks Gennine for letting me use your images!x
I love it! It's like my painting came to life :)
I visited Hebden Bridge for the first time last month and fell in love with the Willow Garden, it has to be the most beautiful florists ever, I think we are going to use them for our wedding flowers. I would love a terrarium I keep calling them terraniums too! Im trying to find the glass pear shaped one Ive seen on a few American blogs. We also visited your lovely shop too on our visit. Gorgeous!
I love it. You've both inspired me, I really want to make a terrarium now! I like the photo of your cat watching you make it, haha.
Great post and what a beautiful terrarium! Check out my blog for tips and links on how to keep your terrarium healthy and happy!
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